Hard as it may be to imagine, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 9 men will be the victim of intimate partner abuse in their lifetime. One in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused by the age of 18. Think about that. Those statistics are not only staggering, they’re growing every day.
For victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence, the journey to healing often starts with us, at Heartly House. For the past 40 years, we have been the only organization offering comprehensive support to victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and child abuse in Frederick County. While federal, state and local grants account for a portion of our funding, as an independent, 501(c)(3) organization, we depend on community contributions from individuals, foundations, trusts and businesses to ensure that victims and survivors in Frederick County, can access services free of charge. Heartly House confidential services include: 24-hour hotline, crisis intervention, group and individual counseling services, emergency shelter, medical accompaniment, legal representation, and court victim advocacy. In addition to supporting victims and survivors, Heartly House takes the lead on community education outreach – the keys to prevention.
We also depend on proceeds from fundraisers like our Walk a Mile in Their Shoes event each fall. Last year, we made some changes to Walk a Mile to make it more inclusive and to more effectively raise awareness of all victims of abuse and violence. This year, we are making Walk a Mile an even larger event as we mark 40 years of working to end domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and child abuse, and providing safety, shelter, and supportive services to survivors and victims in Frederick County.
This year’s Walk a Mile fundraiser will be part of a larger event called Rock the 40th. We’ll start at the Carroll Creek Trellis with a concert by the Old Goats, and continue with an easy stroll up Market to 4th Street and back.
At the end of the walk, at approximately 1:00, Heartly House is sponsoring a concert at the amphitheater on the Creek. Local performing artists include the Freddie Long Band, Luna, and Chloe Antulov. Food and beverages will be on hand to keep everyone fed, including local craft brewery and local food trucks, and walkers get a t-shirt and a swag bag.
We hope you’ll consider joining us for this historic version of Walk a Mile as we continue to work each day to l,empower, strengthen, and enrich those affected by domestic violence and sexual abuse in our community.
The 2019 Walk a Mile in Their Shoes/Rock the 40th event is September 21st from 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Registration is $40.00 for adults (12 and under are free) and $10.00 for full-time students. If you choose not to walk but would like to attend the Rock the 40th concert on the creek, entry is $5.00.