Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse


Heartly House events and programs are a crucial part of our mission.

For more information, or if your organization would like to schedule a training session, please contact us at

CAPES: Community Awareness Promoting Empowerment to Survivors
To expand outreach activities that include adult males impacted by childhood sexual abuse, Heartly House presents CAPES, an awarness event that empowers survivors and educates the community. This program increases awareness regarding the prevalence, gravity, and lifetime impact of this type of trauma.

By opening a window into the healing process and normalizing conversations about male childhood sexual abuse, we can make space for survivors to heal, and our community can work together to prevent abuse.

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18.

Interested in Learning more?

Our online resources can help you to understand, identify, and prevent abuse.