Myths and Facts About Domestic Abuse
Do you have a preconceived notion with regard to the people who tend to commit domestic abuse? If so, you are wrong. Anyone can become the victim of domestic abuse, so it is impossible to stereotype the type of person committing the abuse, and the type of person being...
All About Restraining Orders in Maryland
While everyone hopes that none of their relationships ever reaches this point, there are times in life where domestic legal services such as a restraining order may be necessary. If you currently find yourself at a point where you think a Maryland restraining order...
Tips for When a Domestic Violence Survivor Asks for Help
It is extremely difficult to know what to do when someone in your life experiences domestic violence. You obviously want to help in any way you can – but you don’t want to make the situation worse. The steps you take could help the individual get out of the situation,...
Safety Planning for Friends & Families of Domestic Violence
Sadly, it is not only domestic violence survivors who are at risk as the result of an abusive relationship. It can also be others in the survivor’s life who are placed in harm’s way, such as family members, co-workers, friends, etc. If someone in your life is a...